This Guy went ALL OUT for Valentine's Day...

be fair, it would be nice to enjoy a beautiful dinner with your loved
one in the "City of Lights". However, I'm guessing the guy above (or
girl) who set up this dinner has some deep pockets. From the decanted
wine to the Champagne, flowers, candles, chocolates and setting has to
cost a pretty EURO in Paris - look closely. I once heard a friend
mention that you should never drink mixed drinks in Paris as his Seven
& 7 cocktail cost him $47 USD in 2010 (yikes). Stick to the wine
and champs.
Did you know that Paris' "City of Lights' name came from its early adoption of street lights? Who knew?
jokes aside, what are you doing for Valentine's day? That day is also
Ash Wednesday in the Catholic Church and the beginning of Lent. Just
FYI for those who care to know...
February is a short month and
usually cold and a bit dreary. Let not your hearts be troubled as this
edition will make you laugh and will amuse even the best straight faces
out there.
People often ask where I get the material for these
newsletters. I will tell you that it is a compilation of the many
emails I get from friends, business associates, customers and the random
things I come upon in a month. This newsletter is purely a collection
of the 30 or so days prior to the first of every month. People inside
and out of this office send interesting links, pictures and factoids to news@turnkey.pro
when something interesting is found. Feel free to use that address if
you care to become a part of the process. I welcome your input and as I
have final editorial power, your stuff makes it if it makes me smile.
the spirit of St. Valentine, watch this cute clip of a happy couple
becoming engaged. It's only 48 seconds long and has a very interesting
ending. Take a look at the video here.
And now for a new picture above- Can you
guess where it is by looking "through the keyhole"? "You don't have
to be a maltese falcon to know where these famous enclosed balconies are
found. This place was where parts of Game of Thrones and Gladiator
were filmed. The old, historic structures make it ideal for Roman Empire
settings." Can you guess the location?
Correct answers will be given recognition but half the fun is trying to figure
it out. The correct answer will be revealed in the subsequent
issue. Good luck and have fun.
If you like this newsletter, forward it to someone else or sign them up HERE.
As always, send any items you think are newsworthy, interesting or just plain
odd to news@turnkey.pro
Old San Juan, Puerto Rico - Keyhole Answer
"This ominous 'castillo' protecting the port has been here for
centuries and was commissioned by the Spaniards in 1539. Home to 5 Miss
Universe winners, you won't need your passport to visit this island." Last month, Jacquelyn Drolet won the location by guessing correctly. Her answer - "San Juan, Puerto Rico - El Morro". Great job!
above is El Morro, a fort (castle) that lies at the port of Old San
Juan. Most Caribbean cruises touch this port at some point in their
itineraries. Puerto Rico has been home to 5 Miss Universe winners as
the people there are friendly and nice looking (most of them). Puerto
Rico is not a US State but rather a US Commonwealth so you don't need
your passport when visiting here- your US dollars are good... Puerto Rico is not having the best of times right now but it is a very
interesting place to visit. My wife and I first encountered this city
on our honeymoon nearly 25 years ago (my how time flies). We enjoy the
Puerto Rican people and their culture (they are very PROUD of their
heritage). Back then, the place to be was called the El San Juan Hotel and specifically the champagne bar and dance floor (pictured below).

Some video of this bar here
Hurricane Irma swept
through the Caribbean in early September, the focus was not the damage
wrought on the islands but on the fact that it would soon hit Florida.
Then came Jose. Then came Maria. In the span a few of weeks,
the Caribbean was devastated by three hurricanes, successively topping
each other as the most intense recorded storm in the region. Several
islands have been without power, infrastructure has been destroyed—and,
most tragically, people have died.
main tourist area, in and around San Juan has been quickly re-opened
and power restored. It will be a rough road to recovery but the people
are resilient, friendly and have a zest for life.
especially like the dancing (although I have two left feet) in PR.
Nights don't start until at least 10 pm and go into the wee hours of the
morning. Take a look at what happens just about every night at the El
San Juan (recently renovated) HERE (video).
Rico's attractions range from the adventurous (like the underground
caves of Río Camuy Cave Park) to the historic (like the 500-year old
walls of the El Morro fort). And there are plenty of options between the
two extremes. Beach lovers must visit the western beaches of Rincón for
sunbathing and surfing; snorkelers are bound to enjoy Vieques'
bioluminescent Mosquito Bay. And if you're the kind of traveler who
parties heartily, you'll discover a varied but vibrant nightlife in San

The country’s total nominal GDP is $98.76 billion, which is the 98th
highest in the world. Its per capita GDP is $26,588, which is the 35th
highest in the world. This means that Puerto Ricans have a very high
standard of living. 2 Puerto Rico’s economy thrives from tourism, pharmaceuticals, manufacturing and technology. 3
Their main exports today include chemicals, electronics, tuna, rum and
medical equipment. Their main imports include oil, food, clothing and
machinery. 4 Puerto Rico’s main trading partner is the United
States. They also trade heavily with the Dominican Republic and the
United Kingdom. 5 Puerto Rico is considered a territory of the United States. Its official name is the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico. 6
Christopher Columbus discovered the island in 1493, one year after he
discovered the Americas. He named it San Juan Bautista, after John the
Baptist. 7 The United States gained Puerto Rico as a territory
after the Spanish-American War in 1898. The Treaty of Paris that was
signed to end the war allotted the island country to the United States
in 1917. This also meant that every citizen of Puerto Rico was granted
U.S. citizenship. 8 Spanish and English are the two main languages spoken throughout the island 9 Throughout the entire year, the temperatures in Puerto Rico vary between 70 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit. 10 Basketball, volleyball and boxing are the most popular sports in Puerto Rico.

Some cool links to check out Puerto Rico...
Trip Advisor website Drone footage of El Morro videoMore Drone footage (pre-Maria) videoNewly opened EL SAN JUAN HOTEL video FIRST IMPRESSIONS OF SUAN JUAN, PUERTO RICO (VIDEO 110 Days After Hurricane Maria) Why it's so hard to get the power back on in PR (video)
"Mad Dog" Mattis REAL Quote of the month

During a rare press gaggle at the Pentagon Friday afternoon, a reporter
from Voice of America asked Mattis what concerns he has for 2018. Mattis
responded with just seven powerful words.
“I don’t have concerns. I create them,” he said.
Real or not?

Dearest Dad, I
am coming home to get married soon, so get your check book out. I'm in
love with a boy who is far away from me. As you know, I am presently
living in Australia ... and he lives in Scotland . We met on a dating
website, became friends on Facebook, had long chats on Whatsapp. He
proposed to me on Skype, and now we've had two months of a relationship
through Viber. My beloved and favorite Dad, I need your blessing, good
wishes, and a really big wedding. Lots of love and thanks. Your favorite daughter, Lilly
My Dearest Lilly, Like Wow! Really? Cool! I
suggest you two get married on Twitter, have a honeymoon on Tango, buy
your kids on Amazon, and pay for it all through PayPal. And when you
get fed up with this new husband, sell him on eBay..
Love, Your Dad
Not to be outdone... Here's APPLE PARK
 Is it a spaceship or a new headquarters for Apple? Here is some updated video
from January 14th of 2018. This is really impressive and forward
thinking. All I know is that everything is more expensive when built
curved... VIDEO HERE
Best and Worst Super Bowl Halftime Shows
remember exactly where I was when I saw Katy Perry's halftime show and
how the person in the "left shark" messed up the choreography. I also
remember being out when Justin Timberlake and Janet Jackson had a
"wardrobe malfunction". Here is a link to the best and worst of superbowl halftime shows. See the fascinating list here.
Aloha. If you are in charge of Nuclear Warnings...
Hide your password in online posts... OOPS. My Bad. See ARTICLE HERE
Amazon GO. Everything getting 'AMAZON-ED'
opened its first cashierless convenience store in Seattle and there
were lines around the block. You scan your smartphone on the way in,
get tracked by cameras and sensors as you shop, and simply take what you
want and leave. You get billed to your Amazon account. Huh. BUCK
ROGERS here we are...
Complete article HERE.
Super Bowl Cubano Squares
Ingredients2 cans (8 oz each) Pillsbury™ refrigerated crescent dough sheet 8 oz thinly sliced cooked deli roasted pork 1/4 cup dijon mustard 8 oz thinly sliced Swiss cheese 8 oz thinly sliced ham 1 egg, beaten 48 dill pickle slices (about 1/2 cup)
1 Heat oven to 350°F. Spray 13x9-inch pan with cooking spray.
2 Unroll 1 can of dough into 1 large rectangle; place in pan. Press in bottom and 1/2 inch up sides of pan to form crust.
3 Layer roasted pork onto dough; spread mustard evenly over pork. Top with cheese slices and ham.
second can of dough. Place over layered ingredients, stretching to
cover filling; press edges to seal. Brush with beaten egg. Cover with
Bake 30 minutes. Remove foil; bake 15 to 20 minutes longer or until
deep golden brown. Cool 10 minutes. To serve, cut into 6 rows by 4 rows.
Just before serving, top each square with 2 pickle slices and spear
with a toothpick.