October is here!
The 10th month of the year is here already and fall is underway. I must admit that fall is my favorite season of all... with warm days, cool nights, fall colors, spicy chili, comfort food and football season. October is also "Shelly Month" in my family as we celebrate the birth of my sister in law, Michelle all month long (she hates being called Shelly incidentally so don't do it).
Here at TURNkey, this month is home to the chili cookoff where someone will be crowned Grand Champion once again. This annual tradition brings out the heat on a Saturday. Every year we have 8 to 10 chili recipes for tasting along with seasonal ale and great fun had by all. This year we may even get a bouncy house and a pinata... Families bring their kids and good times are had by all. If you have an interest in attending, the event begins at noon on October 19th across the street from our offices. If you need more information, please contact me. Come one, come all.
Fun facts that happened this month in history:
The Ford Model T was introduced to the public in this month of 1908.
Epcot opened in October of 1982
On 10/10/1913 the Panama Canal joined the Atlantic to the Pacific
Wall Street collapsed in 1929
It's harvest season and along with it comes fall festivals and Halloween.
The five day work week was officially sanctioned by the American Federation of Labor in 1933
Michelle "Shelly" Wishlinski (Kolssak) was born on October 31st.
Theodore Roosevelt was shot from a distance of six feet and wounded, while leaving a hotel in Milwaukee, Wisconsin during his campaign tour. The bullet struck a bulky manuscript in his coat pocket, then entered his chest. Despite the wound, Roosevelt insisted on delivering his speech before going to the hospital, 1912.
Last month's winner of the "guess the location" game was Jill Muck by guessing Thomas Jefferson's Monticello. Good guessing as you have won a brand new car. Contact us for how to arrange delivery... More about the location below.
And now for a new picture above- Can you guess where it is by looking through the keyhole? "This event happens every year in this local town. The three day festival brings carvers from all over and helps carve out hope and possibilities for the more than 50,000 individuals impacted by Autism in Illinois."
Correct answers will be given recognition but half the fun is trying to figure it out. The correct answer will be revealed in the subsequent issue. Good luck and have fun. If you like this newsletter, forward it to someone else or sign them up HERE.As always, send any items you think are newsworthy, interesting or just plain odd to news@turnkey.pro
Monticello by Thomas Jefferson - Keyhole Answer
"This home sits atop a lofty hill and was crafted, designed, dismantled and reconstructed over four decades. More than any historic home in America, this one is a definite expression of the personality of its builder. Can you guess where it is? "
Interesting Tidbits
The Monticello estate includes Jefferson’s house and the five thousand acre plantation that was also home to as many as 135 slaves.
Jefferson began the construction in 1768 by leveling the spot for the foundation of his home.
The home was designed and constructed between 1769 and 1809.
The main house contains forty-three rooms.
Monticello contains the first dome ever installed on a house in America. It was added in 1800. The oculus, or glass, of the dome was made in Austria.
In Italian, Monticello means “little mountain.”
Jefferson left public service and retired to his plantation in 1809 along with his daughter Martha Jefferson Randolph and her family (that included eleven children).
In the entrance hall of the home, Jefferson decorated the walls with Native American artifacts, maps and paintings making it also into one of the country’s first true museums.
The entrance hall also contains the great clock and its case that Jefferson had designed himself.
A considerable number of Jefferson’s artifacts came from the famous Lewis and Clark Expedition.
Jefferson’s study at Monticello was known as the Cabinet and he spent a large portion of his day within it.
Jefferson’s cabinet held many scientific implements such as a telescope and microscope.
In the home’s parlor, Jefferson hung portraits of Magellan, Columbus and Vespucci along with other “discoverers” as he called them.
Monticello’s formal tea room contained plaster busts of Franklin, Washington and John Paul Jones.
Jefferson died on July 4, 1826 in his bed at Monticello.
Although Jefferson’s bedroom is painted a shade of white today, researchers believe it was wall papered in his time.
Jefferson’s book room at Monticello and its some 6,700 books would become the core of the Library of Congress.
Monticello’s exquisite gardens contains upwards of 250 vegetables and 170 fruits.
Monticello is open year round for the visiting public except on Christmas Day.
Today, as the public visits they may feel confident that about sixty percent of the furnishings they behold are original to the former President.

All-In Computing
Fact 1: Our customers are happiest when their computer networks are up and running
Fact 2: Networks are more likely to be up and running when equipment is under the original manufacturer's warranty (3-4 years)
Fact 3: Networks with good equipment are easier to support (see fact 1 and 2)
We're stepping up our game...
Introducing "All-In Computing" from TURNkey IT. All the equipment from servers and pcs to standard applications, and all the monitoring, helpdesk and on-site maintenance you’ll ever need wrapped neatly in a package with low monthly fees. Keep your networks from failing, use brand new equipment covered by warranties, and never worry about lack of support, helpdesk or unexpected expenses again.
For a little more than an Elite contract, you can be All-In.
Ahem. You may consider changing your name...
In honor of my family's funeral home history, Halloween, and the fact that I know some of these people, I present the following funeral homes with names they may want to reconsider...
Are you washing your hands wrong?
Before you get all loopy at the thought of an article about washing hands, consider this: If you don't scrub your hands properly your risk of getting sick skyrockets. Hand washing is one of the MOST IMPORTANT ways to protect yourself from infections.
So before you stop reading, pig pen, consider this (in bold and large for skimmers):
1. When should you wash up?
Every single time you use the bathroom, for starters--even if you steer clear of the stall. (Only 59 percent of guys hit the sink after using a urinal, according to new research from Christopher Newport University.) "Your genitalia do have bacteria on them," says microbiologist Don Schaffner, Ph.D., of Rutgers University. "If you touch your genitalia, your hands will be contaminated and you will spread that to other people." Plus, the next guy you high-five doesn't want to touch your junk via the transitive property.
Scrub up before you eat or prepare food, and after you cook--raw produce and meat are major germ hotspots, says Charles Gerba, Ph.D, a professor of microbiology at Arizona. It's also a good practice to wash your hands every time you come home, Schaffner says. And of course, rinse after touching anything especially dirty, like when you take out the trash, pet your dog, or come in contact with surprisingly nasty everyday items.
2. What kind of water should you use?
You may have been told that you should wash your hands in hot water to kill germs. Not true, says Schaffner. You'll scald yourself before you could ever get the H2O hot enough to actually banish bacteria. There's no difference between cold and tolerably hot water when it comes to eliminating germs, he says. So just use a temperature that's comfortable for you.
3. How about soap?
Uh, use it! It sounds obvious, but 50 percent of people don't bother with the crucial washing ingredient, Gerba says. Soap lifts bacteria off your skin and carries it away, and dissolves things on your hands that water can't, Schaffner says. As for what kind to use, a new Rutgers study found that antibacterial soap did a better job at eliminating a germ that causes dysentery from people's hands than the regular stuff. Based on this new study and other research, Schaffner says there is a clear benefit to going antibacterial--especially when there's a good chance you have harmful germs on your hands, like after handling raw chicken or changing a diaper. If you're not sure what type public restrooms use, keep a hand sanitizer in your pocket to slap on after washing.
4. How should you lather?
A simple wipe won't do. Really rub your hands together, Schaffner advises. The friction helps clean in the deeper grooves of your skin where bacteria may be hiding. Remember to hit the backs of your hands and in between your fingers. Microbes are highly concentrated under your nails, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), so rub your fingertips into the palm of your other hand to scrub underneath them.
5. How long should you go?
Many guys skip scrubbing because it seemingly lasts forever. "It takes more time to wash my hands than it does to pee!" Gerba says. But the CDC recommends washing for just 20 seconds, which ensures you do a thorough job. If you need a timer, that's about how long it takes to sing the "Happy Birthday" song twice. (Just keep it to yourself.)
6. How should you dry off?
Don't just drip-dry. Schaffner says wet hands will pick up more bacteria from whatever you touch next, like if you go back to your desk and start clacking away at your keyboard. Paper towels will help rub off even more bacteria, he says. If you're stuck in a bathroom without them, shake off as much water as you can and use an air dryer, or wipe your hands on your pants if you have to.
7. What about sanitizers?
Glad you asked! They work just as well as washing your hands, Gerba says. So if you're too lazy to scrub for 20 seconds, using a gel like Purell is a good substitute--and certainly better than nothing. Sanitizers are also great in a pinch when there's no place to wash, if the soap isn't antibacterial, or if there aren't any paper towels. And luckily, it's hard to screw up sanitizer, Schaffner says: Just rub it around to coat your hands and go.
Life Hacks
Boiling Eggs are as easy as 4, 5, 6, 7...
Place a piece of bread on a cake to keep it moist. I prefer mine with frosting.
Place a paper towel in your fresh salad to keep it crispy.
How does she carry all of those beer steins?

I happened to go to the Hofbrauhaus (in Munich) when I was a senior in high school and it may have been the very first time I had a beer with my family. I vividly remember my older brother, mother and myself really kicking up our heels and drinking beer out of giant mugs. I then remember finding a bumper in the street and hauling it back to my hotel room. Although the souvenier never made it home, there is the memory...
This year is the 181st Oktoberfest beer festival in Munich and if you hurry, you may get there before it ends. The festival will host millions of beer drinkers from around the world in Munich and runs from September 20th to October 5th. Hurry up and get your tickets to enjoy some fun!
If not, go there on any day and you'll get the gist.
Tenants clamor for 225 square foot micro apartments in Providence Mall
- The Arcade in Providence, Rhode Island is America's largest indoor mall and now features 38 tiny apartments
- The apartments, which start at $550/month, helped save the struggling historic building
- The apartments haven't been open a year and already have a wait list for tenants
- The 225-300 sq. ft apartments have a kitchen, bedroom and hidden storage but no stove
There is a HUGE waiting list.

The Actual Grammatical Rule
Don't panic, it's really quite simple.
The grammatical rule is: drop the other person's name and see whether you would use "I" or "me" if the other person were not named. Then use that word to refer to yourself, even when the other person is added back in to the sentence.
So if you are referring to yourself and Bill and trying to decide whether to say "Bill and I" or "Bill and me," drop Bill out of the sentence first, then add him back.
"Bill and ___ will go to the store."
Drop Bill and it is clear that "I will go to the store." Add Bill back in and you know that "Bill and I will go to the store."
"He wrote a letter to Bill and ___."
Drop Bill and you easily see that "He wrote a letter to me." Add Bill back in and "He wrote a letter to Bill and me."
Now isn't that simple?
These photos will annoy you
I am not sure if you are like me, but when I see something like the following, it makes me cringe...
you're welcome.
This person is a MONSTER!
Need a Costume?
Stay thirsty my friends...
This costume should be in every man's closet (minus the paper towels)
That's fantasy football...
You don't need a Haz Mat Suit to be Walter White.
Roast it instead of steaming it...
You can steam vegetables, but they may be best roasted.
For one, it’s easier. Let’s talk about the ways you can steam broccoli, for example:
1. If you steam broccoli in a microwave, you must cut the florets, put a small amount of water in a bowl—just the right amount that the broccoli is not swimming, but enough to keep it moist during cooking—cover it with a microwave-safe lid, and cook, checking for doneness at various intervals. In the end, there may have been too much liquid at the bottom of your bowl, so you’ll have to drain or pat the vegetables dry. And then comes seasoning and dressing them.
2. If you steam broccoli in a steamer basket, you must cut the broccoli into florets, bring water to a boil, balance the steamer or colander over said boiling water, cover with a lid, and steam, testing doneness as you go.
3. If you steam it in a sauté pan, you must cut the florets, bring about 1/4 inch of water to a boil, cover, and then steam, testing doneness as you go.
Now let’s talk about roasting it:
You preheat the oven while you’re cutting the florets, you toss them in olive oil, salt, and pepper, and you roast them for 10 minutes. The veggies are sure to be cooked by that point—no checkups required—and cooked in such a way that the florets’ centers are still crunchy, but the edges have browned into salty, almost meaty tidbits.
We’d gladly eat a bowl of roasted broccoli, cooked just that way, for dinner. But why stop there when you can put it in a grilled cheese. Inspired by No. 7 Sub in New York City, we considered treating broccoli as the main event, stuffing it into the sandwich instead of cold cuts. You should consider it, too.
Hacks for McDonalds (enough about broccoli)
1) If you like hot fries, ask for them without salt. You will get hot fries and will be able to salt them after you get them (don't let them see you do it).
2) If you like Big Macs, order a McDouble with special sauce, lettuce, pickle and no ketchup or mustard. It will be the same minus the weird middle bun that you don't need anyway. You'll save at least $2.
3) If you don't like liquid eggs on some of their breakfast sandwiches, make sure you order it with "round eggs". You will get a grade A egg cooked in a round pan.
4) Order Hot Fudge instead of chocolate syrup in your Mocha. 5) The Mc10:35... At this time you can mix breakfast and lunch menus.
Try a McDouble with an egg and bacon.
A horse walked into a bar. Several people got up and left as they spotted the potential danger in the situation.
What's red and smells like blue paint?
Red Paint.
I still remember the last words my grandpa said before he kicked the bucket. He said, "Hey, how far do you think I can kick this bucket?"
An owl and a squirrel are sitting in a tree, watching a farmer go by. The owl then turns to the squirrel and says nothing, because owls can't talk. The owl then eats the squirrel because it's a bird of prey.
What's red and bad for your teeth?
A brick.
Why isn't Helen Keller a good driver?
Because she's dead.
Money won't create success, the freedom to make it will.
Nelson Mandela
Virginia Man commutes 220 miles a day
Thurmond Alford wakes up before the sun rises so he can get started on a his commutes: 220 miles, round trip, every day, from Richard, Virginia to Washington, D.C. It's a dream job at the Dept. of Justice, and Alford says there's one reason he does it: "It's all about family."
I won't editorialize but you can probably guess what I think about this guy and his government job...
Pasta Primavera 
Pasta Primavera with cream sauce
As much as you like of the following… (chopped in small bits)
Cauliflower Broccoli Red Onion Carrots Green Pepper Zucchini Mushrooms
4 Chicken breasts
Asiago or parmesan cheese (shredded and or shaved) – fresh and sharp is much better
4 chopped cloves of garlic (smashed and chopped so juice escapes into the dish)
1 box of linguini
1 pint of heavy whipping cream
Salt / pepper
Generously salt a pot of water for pasta and place on stove to boil (so it tastes like sea water). Turn on grill and / or oven to pre heat.
Make a tin foil tent and place your chopped vegetables in it with some olive oil, salt and freshly chopped garlic (at least two cloves). Place the foil tent on your grill or in your oven at 400 degrees for about 20 minutes.
Gently season and grill chicken breasts being careful not to overcook.
Cook pasta al dente (about 12 minutes depending on the pasta thickness).
Using a separate pan, heat some olive oil in the bottom of the pan and add half of your garlic for about a minute on medium high just to soften. Add cream and 1 cup of asiago cheese and heat until creamy and smooth.
Combine all ingredients- vegetables, pasta, chicken and toss with cream sauce.
Serve in small bowls garnishing with fresh parsley and a few shavings of parmesan.
Serve with garlic bread and salad for a really great meal.
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