Happy Birthday AMERICA!
Probably the
biggest American Holiday is the 4th of July. We look forward to
fireworks, hot dogs, baseball, apple pie and Chevrolet... It is perhaps the
week that defines our national pride and gives reason to celebrate our
freedom as Americans.

Things I remember about the 4th of July as a kid:
1) Flag T-shirts
2) Sparklers
3) Snakes (those ash things that grew when you lit them)
4) M-80s
5) Parades in the extreme heat waving tiny paper flags
6) The song, "Proud to be an American"
7) Popsicles that melt all over your flag t-shirt
8) Red, White and Blue EVERYTHING
And now for a new keyhole picture above- Can you guess where it is by
looking through the keyhole? "This place will change your life,
said a friend of mine some 8 years ago. Located on a "point",
this location was once a bustling fishing village that was moved to create
this world class resort."
Last month, NOBODY guessed correctly.
Correct answers will be given recognition but half the fun is trying to
figure it out. The correct answer will be revealed in the subsequent
issue. Good luck and have fun.
If you like this newsletter, forward it to someone else or sign them up HERE.
As always, send any items you think are newsworthy, interesting or just
plain odd to news@turnkey.pro
Jordan - Keyhole Answer
Jones filmed in this wonder of the world that rarely sees tourists any
longer. It is dangerous and there are many reasons to stay
away. However, this place is mysterious and petrified."
Pictured here is one of the many amazing structures of the
ancient city of Petra (aka the Rose City) famous for its rock architecture
and water conduit system. Established around 300 BC, this place is
the most visited tourist attraction in Jordan (I wonder if anyone visits
anyplace in Jordan at all?). Petra was named amongst the New 7
wonders of the world and chosen by Smithsonian magazine as one of the
"28 places to see before you die". The population was said
to be about 30,000 when it was inhabited.
The site is featured in films
such as: Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, Arabian Nights, Passion
in the Desert, Mortal Kombat: Annihilation, Sinbad and the
Eye of the Tiger, The Mummy Returns and Transformers: Revenge
of the Fallen.
Petra is the
treasure of ancient world, hidden behind an almost impenetrable barrier of
rugged mountains, boasting incomparable scenes that make it the most
majestic and imposing ancient site still-standing nowadays.. It has been
said "perhaps there is nothing in the world that resembles it",
actually, for sure, there is nothing in the world that resembles it. The
rock-carved rose-red city of Petra is full of mysterious charm, it was
"designed to strike wonder into all who entered it".
It is a little daunting to get there so maybe these videos will suffice...
When to THROW IT

1. When was the last time you used it?
If you can’t even remember, let it go. If you’ve used it recently,
obviously it’s a keeper. The more infrequently used, the more to consider
letting go.
2. If you were planning to move next month, would you bring it along?
Imagine moving soon. What would you pack up and bring? If you wouldn’t move
it, no sense in keeping it now.
3. What’s it worth?
Nobody wants to just toss something of value. But beware that reselling
means letting it go on the cheap and it takes a lot to manage. Also
remember, keeping many lower value items will not help the clutter problem!
4. What is it costing you to keep?
Even if you’re not paying for storage, you pay for living space. If you
want to free up the valuable space in your home, consider letting go of
items you don’t love.
5. Do you know someone else who would like to have it?
Knowing someone who would enjoy an item that you don’t use can be great
motivation for elimination. Consider friends and family when you’re on the
decision making fence.
6. What is its sentimental value?
Do you save every piece of artwork your 5 year old created? What about all
the boxes from Grandmother’s house? Keeping a few precious items as
memories may be important, but beware—if you keep too much, you can’t find
what’s truly important!
A new way to stream TV
Sling TV is an American over-the-top internet protocol television service that is owned
by the Sling TV LLC subsidiary of Dish Network. Unveiled on January
5, 2015 at the Consumer Electronics Show, the service aims to complement
subscription video on demand services for cord cutters, offering a
selection of major cable channels that can be streamed through smart TVs,
digital media players and apps.
It runs on just about any device, starts at $20/mo. and is the first real
entrant to getting your tv without a set top box...
it out here
Life 360

Life 360 is an app that allows groups of people (mainly families) to know
the location of each other at all times. It puts an icon on a map for
each family member and shows popular check in points like school, work,
gym, grandma's house. Using GPS technology and your cell phone, it's
easier than ever to know where everyone is at and have private chat
sessions within the group or with just one person in that group.
What people are saying:
“We use Life360 to let each other know where we are and that we are safe,
especially when we go into the backcountry.”
“It’s so easy to use for my family! When any or all of us go away on
adventures, my family can still stay connected and safe.”
“My little brother loves riding his scooter around the neighborhood. While
riding one day, he dropped his phone and didn’t realize it was missing
until much later that night. As soon as I found out, I checked Life360 and
found that it had been at a local residence since 7:23 pm. I was able go
directly to the house, ask for the phone and it was back in my possession
within 30 minutes. The look on their faces when I came directly to the
house where the phone was at was priceless!!!”
Check it out here
Confessions of a
Cruise Ship Chef - Jorg Becker,
Oceania Cruises

It’s hard to be away at sea.
least favorite thing about my job is being away from my family. Three
years ago, I became a dad. I took a year and a half off to focus on diapers
and formula. On ships, you get two months a year of vacation, which gives
you some quality time. But for the majority of the year you are separated
from your family. The usual operational challenges I can deal with — but
compared to being away from loved ones for a long time, it’s minor.
on a cruise ship is an addiction.
started in the hotel industry when I was 18. In the hotel industry, you’re
like a tramp, everybody is moving. I started working on ships when I was
30. I have taken some breaks, but it is an addiction. You get around; the
people you work with have the same craziness.
I’d never take my own family on vacation on a cruise.
never. Anything but cruising, if you spend the majority of your time on a
ship to make your living. I don’t even like to see open kitchens. If
I go to a restaurant and they have one, I face the other way. I like little
resorts where the beach is 10 meters from the hut and I can have peace and
quiet. No noise, no big crowds.
So True.
July is Redneck month...
George Clooney Age
Helen Mirren Age 25
Martha Stewart Age 20
Ryan Seacrest Age 13
How is this
Aphorisms for the
not whether you win or lose, But how you place the blame.
We have enough "youth".
How about a fountain of smart"?
A Fool and his
money can throw one heck of a party.
When blondes have
more fun , do they know it?
Money isn't everything,
But it sure keeps the kids in touch.
If at first you don't succeed,
Skydiving is not for you.
We are born naked, wet and hungry.
Then things get worse.
Red meat is not bad for you
Fuzzy green meat is
bad for you.
Ninety-nine percent of all lawyers
Give the rest a bad name.
Xerox and Wurlitzer will merge
To produce reproductive organs.
Alabama state motto:
At least we're not Mississippi
The latest survey shows that
three out of four people make up 75% of the population.
People Hate Humble
A team of Harvard Business
School professors have scientifically proven what you probably already
knew: People loathe and despise the humblebrag.
The humblebrag is a
self-compliment wrapped in a complaint, the authors say in their new
Harvard Business School paper.
In the humblebragger’s
attempt to come off as sincere and authentic, they appear immodest and
frankly, less attractive, the authors suggest in their report.
In the paper, Harvard
Business School professors Francesca Gino, Michael I. Norton and Ovul
Sezer, performed a series of experiments to test people’s perceptions of
the humblebrag.
In one test they asked their
subjects to imagine the person who said one of three statements. One
statement was a flat out boast (People mistake me for a model.) One was a
whiney complaint (I’m so bored.) And the last was the hybrid humblebrag
(I’m so bored of people mistaking me for a model.)
When the team asked more than
300 subjects to judge a person based on each statement, they liked the
complainers the best and the humblebraggers the least. Complainers were
also perceived as the most sincere, while humblebraggers as inauthentic and
In another experiment, people
either read a brag (“I get hit on all the time”) or a humblebrag (“Just
rolled out of bed and still get hit on all the time, so annoying.”) More
than 200 subjects rated the humblebraggers as less attractive than the
braggarts -- 4.34 on a scale of 7 compared to 4.91.
The act of humblebragging has
undoubtedly been with us since the dawn of time but the term was only
coined in 2012 by "Parks and Recreation" writer Harris Wittles
who died earlier this year. Wittles’ @humblebrag Twitter account lives on
with 245,000 followers.
It’s loaded with gems like
this classic from actress Olivia Munn: “Why can't I look cool when I meet
@TomHanks & he hands me his Emmy? Instead I get so excited & look
like a goober…”
And this one from country
singer Cody Alan: "I just won an ACM, but don't worry I'm still stuck
like everyone else in a Taco Bell drive-thru right now. @ACMAwards #ACMs”
The moral? If you’re fishing
for a compliment, trying to disguise it will only backfire, the Harvard
paper concluded. Let your swagger shine though.
These are flowers
Hey Gordon, what do
you say?
YELP Threatening
Customers Publicly SHAMED

A pair of horror show customers showed up at Michael Scelfo's restaurant
Alden & Harlow recently with no reservation, sat themselves,
"insulted and berated" the staff, and then refused to leave (one
eyewitness also claims that before they sat themselves, they loudly told a
bartender they weren't tipping because they couldn't get a table quickly
enough), all while threatening to leave Alden & Harlow a bad Yelp
So far, this sounds pretty normal — restaurants have to deal with
self-aggrandizing jackasses like these all the time.
Where it gets fun is Scelfo's response: he posted a picture of the
customers on Instagram, along with a description of their terrible behavior
that included the hashtag #wedontnegotiatewithyelpers.
So much for getting a free meal for being a jerk. Good for that guy.
"A politician will do anything to keep his job -
even become a patriot."
-William Randolph Hearst
How to Dry-Age Beef at Home

Buy a prime or choice boneless beef rib or loin roast from the best meat
source in your area.
Unwrap the beef, rinse it well, and pat it dry with paper towels. Do not
trim. Wrap the roast loosely in a triple layer of cheesecloth and set it on
a rack over a rimmed baking sheet or other tray.
Refrigerate for three to seven days; the longer the beef ages, the tastier
it gets. After the first day, carefully unwrap and then rewrap with the
same cheesecloth to keep the cloth fibers from sticking to the meat.
When ready to roast, unwrap the meat and, with a sharp knife, shave off and
discard the hard, dried outer layer of the meat. Shave away any dried areas
of fat, too, but leave behind as much of the good fat as possible. Roast
whole or cut into steaks.
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