Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Through the Keyhole - August 2024


Through the Keyhole

August 2024

Take a break from your day...

Not your typical company OR newsletter





"This particular lobby is decorated with some really cool glass blown artwork.  It is one of a kind and made for this location.  Millions of people visit this town every year hoping to take some winnings home."

Can you guess the location?


BACK TO SCHOOL....Already?


It is always a little sad to see summer wind down.  It's a great season in the midwest and we always enjoy the sights and sounds of summer.  We could use a little less rain these days and a little more sunshine.


Ah, back-to-school sales – the time of year when parents cheer, kids groan, and store employees brace themselves for the annual chaos. It’s like a second Christmas, but instead of toys and jolly fat men in red suits, it's about notebooks and frazzled parents with lists longer than their patience.


Here are a few humorous observations about this seasonal shopping frenzy:


1. **The Joy of New Beginnings... and Discounts!**
   - "Back-to-school sales are like a treasure hunt, but instead of gold, you're searching for the elusive 25-cent notebook. It's the one time parents are more excited about school supplies than their kids."


2. **Math Class Preparation**
   - "Nothing says 'I'm ready for math class' like a calculator that costs more than your monthly coffee budget. And who knew protractors came in so many colors? Spoiler: You’ll still have no idea how to use them."


3. **The Stationery Addiction**
   - "Back-to-school sales are the adult equivalent of kids in a candy store. Only instead of candy, it's all about highlighters, planners, and those fancy gel pens that you promise will improve your handwriting (they won’t)."


4. **The Backpack Dilemma**
   - "Picking out a new backpack involves more decision-making than choosing a college. Will it be superheroes, unicorns, or the classic 'I’m too cool for designs' black? And why does it need to fit a small library?"


5. **Clothing Wars**
   - "Back-to-school clothes shopping is a delicate negotiation. Parents want practicality, kids want fashion. The result? A compromise that pleases no one, but at least you both agree on the importance of sturdy shoes – for running away from the homework."


6. **Tech Temptations**
   - "Remember when school supplies were just pencils and erasers? Now it’s all about the latest tablet and noise-canceling headphones. Because, clearly, the only way to learn algebra is with studio-quality sound."


7. **The Eternal Search for Sales**
   - "Finding the best deals on back-to-school supplies is like an Olympic sport. There should be medals for parents who manage to snag the last pack of discounted crayons without breaking into a sprint."


In the end, back-to-school sales are a rite of passage, a blend of excitement, stress, and nostalgia. So, here's to all the parents and kids out there, navigating the aisles, lists in hand, and hoping that this year’s school supplies last longer than a week. Happy shopping, and may the discounts be ever in your favor!











Let's try a little poetry...

The sun is setting on our summer fun, With school bells chiming, we know it’s done. Goodbye to beaches and ice cream cones, Hello to homework and muted groans.


No more lazy days, just lounging around, We’re back to schedules, all tightly wound. The pool’s grown cold, the days are shrinking, Kids everywhere are deeply thinking:


“Do we really need math? What’s with history? Why can’t every class be gym or chemistry?” Parents cheer as buses roll by, While kids stare longingly at the sky.


No more campfires with gooey s’mores, Now it’s early mornings and chores galore. Farewell to sandals, to flip-flops too, It’s back to sneakers and to something new.


But don’t despair, there’s joy in fall, With crunchy leaves and a cool wind’s call. There’s Halloween with its spooky charms, And Thanksgiving feasts that warm our hearts.


So here’s to summer, it’s been a blast, But now it’s time, it couldn’t last. We’ll pack our swimsuits and sunscreen away, And dream of next year’s sunny days.


For now, we sharpen our pencils bright, And face the school year with all our might. So, goodbye summer, you’ve been a friend, We’ll miss you dearly, until the end.



Let's try a little poetry...

The sun is setting on our summer fun, With school bells chiming, we know it’s done. Goodbye to beaches and ice cream cones, Hello to homework and muted groans.


No more lazy days, just lounging around, We’re back to schedules, all tightly wound. The pool’s grown cold, the days are shrinking, Kids everywhere are deeply thinking:


“Do we really need math? What’s with history? Why can’t every class be gym or chemistry?” Parents cheer as buses roll by, While kids stare longingly at the sky.


No more campfires with gooey s’mores, Now it’s early mornings and chores galore. Farewell to sandals, to flip-flops too, It’s back to sneakers and to something new.


But don’t despair, there’s joy in fall, With crunchy leaves and a cool wind’s call. There’s Halloween with its spooky charms, And Thanksgiving feasts that warm our hearts.


So here’s to summer, it’s been a blast, But now it’s time, it couldn’t last. We’ll pack our swimsuits and sunscreen away, And dream of next year’s sunny days.


For now, we sharpen our pencils bright, And face the school year with all our might. So, goodbye summer, you’ve been a friend, We’ll miss you dearly, until the end.







Hold on to that RING ~ 1 minute










Something to try on Windows 11...

One useful hack in Windows 11 is to enable and customize the PowerToys suite. PowerToys is a set of utilities designed to enhance productivity and add advanced features to the Windows operating system. Here’s how you can get started with PowerToys and use some of its best features:


Useful PowerToys Features:

1. FancyZones:

o  What It Does: FancyZones allows you to create custom window layouts to optimize your screen space and multitask more efficiently.

o  How to Use: Go to FancyZones in PowerToys Settings, configure your desired layouts, and use the Shift key while dragging windows to snap them into the custom zones.

2. PowerRename:

o  What It Does: PowerRename adds advanced bulk renaming functionality to Windows File Explorer.

o  How to Use: Right-click on a group of files in File Explorer, select PowerRename, and use the interface to batch rename files using search and replace or regular expressions.

3. Keyboard Manager:

o  What It Does: Keyboard Manager allows you to remap keys and create custom keyboard shortcuts.

o  How to Use: Enable Keyboard Manager in PowerToys Settings, and configure key remapping or shortcut creation to suit your workflow.

4. Image Resizer:

o  What It Does: Image Resizer integrates with File Explorer to quickly resize images.

o  How to Use: Right-click on an image or a selection of images in File Explorer, select Resize pictures, and choose the desired size preset or create a custom size.

5. PowerToys Run:

o  What It Does: PowerToys Run is a quick launcher similar to Spotlight on macOS.

o  How to Use: Press Alt + Space to open the launcher, then start typing the name of the app, file, or function you want to access. It provides quick search and command capabilities.

By leveraging these PowerToys features, you can significantly boost your productivity and customize your Windows 11 experience to better suit your needs.


Download HERE




Guess the Location Game

Last month the winner of the guess the location game was
Karen Patterson who guessed the right answer.  I appreciate all of the participation.  THANKS FOR PLAYING!














"In a City with no shortage of icons and attractions, this fountain is one of the most visited every year.  The facade tells the story of how these ancient people tamed the water to bring life to their cities.  So much to see here..."


Rome, the Eternal City, where history and magic blend seamlessly in a tapestry of ancient ruins and modern vibrance. It’s a place where every corner has a story to tell, and each cobblestone whispers secrets of empires past. Here’s a whimsical journey through this enchanting city:

The Dance of the Fountains

Picture the fountains of Rome, dancing under the Roman sun, like playful nymphs frozen in time. The Trevi Fountain, with its grandiose sculptures, beckons you to toss a coin and make a wish, promising your return to this captivating city. Each splash of water is like a giggle from the gods, reminding you that magic truly exists.

Time Travel at the Colosseum

Strolling past the Colosseum, imagine the roar of the crowd, the clash of gladiators' swords, and the pulse of ancient Rome alive and thrumming. By night, it’s a glowing beacon of the past, casting long shadows that hint at the stories of bravery and spectacle that once unfolded within its walls.

Gelato: A Symphony of Flavors

What’s a visit to Rome without indulging in gelato? Each scoop is a symphony of flavors, a dance on your taste buds that tells tales of sweet summers and sun-drenched days. Whether it’s rich chocolate, tangy lemon, or the fragrant bloom of pistachio, gelato in Rome is a slice of heaven on Earth.

The Enchanted Vatican City

Within the Vatican’s walls, time seems to stand still. St. Peter’s Basilica looms large, a majestic guardian of centuries of art and faith. The Sistine Chapel ceiling, painted by Michelangelo, feels like a portal to the divine, each brushstroke whispering secrets of creativity and inspiration.

Piazza Life: The Heartbeat of Rome

The piazzas of Rome are like the city’s living room, bustling with life and laughter. In Piazza Navona, fountains bubble with joy as artists sketch and musicians serenade. It’s a place where you can sit with a cappuccino, watching the world go by, feeling part of the grand, timeless play that is Rome.

Mystical Markets and Mysterious Alleys

The markets of Campo de' Fiori buzz with the scent of fresh produce and the chatter of vendors. Wander the narrow alleys, and you might stumble upon hidden courtyards, each one a secret garden, a piece of Rome’s soul that offers a quiet retreat from the city's energetic pulse.


Rome is not just a city; it’s a living, breathing masterpiece where the past and present dance together in a whimsical waltz. Whether you’re exploring its majestic ruins, savoring its culinary delights, or simply soaking in the ambiance of its lively streets, Rome promises an adventure that is as timeless as it is unforgettable.




"In a City with no shortage of icons and attractions, this fountain is one of the most visited every year.  The facade tells the story of how these ancient people tamed the water to bring life to their cities.  So much to see here..."


Rome, the Eternal City, where history and magic blend seamlessly in a tapestry of ancient ruins and modern vibrance. It’s a place where every corner has a story to tell, and each cobblestone whispers secrets of empires past. Here’s a whimsical journey through this enchanting city:

The Dance of the Fountains

Picture the fountains of Rome, dancing under the Roman sun, like playful nymphs frozen in time. The Trevi Fountain, with its grandiose sculptures, beckons you to toss a coin and make a wish, promising your return to this captivating city. Each splash of water is like a giggle from the gods, reminding you that magic truly exists.

Time Travel at the Colosseum

Strolling past the Colosseum, imagine the roar of the crowd, the clash of gladiators' swords, and the pulse of ancient Rome alive and thrumming. By night, it’s a glowing beacon of the past, casting long shadows that hint at the stories of bravery and spectacle that once unfolded within its walls.

Gelato: A Symphony of Flavors

What’s a visit to Rome without indulging in gelato? Each scoop is a symphony of flavors, a dance on your taste buds that tells tales of sweet summers and sun-drenched days. Whether it’s rich chocolate, tangy lemon, or the fragrant bloom of pistachio, gelato in Rome is a slice of heaven on Earth.

The Enchanted Vatican City

Within the Vatican’s walls, time seems to stand still. St. Peter’s Basilica looms large, a majestic guardian of centuries of art and faith. The Sistine Chapel ceiling, painted by Michelangelo, feels like a portal to the divine, each brushstroke whispering secrets of creativity and inspiration.

Piazza Life: The Heartbeat of Rome

The piazzas of Rome are like the city’s living room, bustling with life and laughter. In Piazza Navona, fountains bubble with joy as artists sketch and musicians serenade. It’s a place where you can sit with a cappuccino, watching the world go by, feeling part of the grand, timeless play that is Rome.

Mystical Markets and Mysterious Alleys

The markets of Campo de' Fiori buzz with the scent of fresh produce and the chatter of vendors. Wander the narrow alleys, and you might stumble upon hidden courtyards, each one a secret garden, a piece of Rome’s soul that offers a quiet retreat from the city's energetic pulse.


Rome is not just a city; it’s a living, breathing masterpiece where the past and present dance together in a whimsical waltz. Whether you’re exploring its majestic ruins, savoring its culinary delights, or simply soaking in the ambiance of its lively streets, Rome promises an adventure that is as timeless as it is unforgettable.



























 Sounds like fun ~ 2 minutes







Excited travelers on their way to Rome FIRST CLASS  ~ 1 minute







Rick Steve's take on the Colosseum... ~ 3 minutes






Meet some of the Athletes of the 2024 Olympics...






Hena Kurtagić

Serbia – Volleyball








Petra Senánszky

Hungary – Swimming








Carlos Alcaraz

Spain – Tennis








Anicka Delgado

Ecuador – Swimming








Hailey Hernandez

United States – Diving








Alex Ranghieri

Italy – Beach Volleyball








Yuliya Levchenko

Ukraine – High Jumping








Johnny Hooper

United States – Water Polo















Barbora Seemanová

Czech Republic – Swimming








Matt Anderson

USA - Volleyball








Sandi Morris

United States – Pole Vaulting







This guy is a sadist.






~ 2 minutes




1928.  Bring it back.






 Fun to watch. ~ 2 minutes




Lucky People.






  ~ 2 minutes










The first day of school our professor introduced himself and challenged us to get to know someone we didn’t already know.


I stood up to look around when a gentle hand touched my shoulder. I turned round to find a wrinkled, little old lady beaming up at me with a smile that lit up her entire being.


She said, “Hi handsome. My name is Rose. I’m eighty-seven years old. Can I give you a hug?”


I laughed and enthusiastically responded, “Of course you may!” and she gave me a giant squeeze.


“Why are you in college at such a young, innocent age?” I asked.


She jokingly replied, “I’m here to meet a rich husband, get married, and have a couple of kids…”


“No seriously,” I asked. I was curious what may have motivated her to be taking on this challenge at her age.

“I always dreamed of having a college education and now I’m getting one!” she told me.


After class we walked to the student union building and shared a chocolate milkshake. We became instant friends.


Every day for the next three months, we would leave class together and talk nonstop. I was always mesmerized listening to this “time machine” as she shared her wisdom and experience with me.


Over the course of the year, Rose became a campus icon and she easily made friends wherever she went. She loved to dress up and she reveled in the attention bestowed upon her from the other students. She was living it up.


At the end of the semester we invited Rose to speak at our football banquet. I’ll never forget what she taught us. She was

introduced and stepped up to the podium.


As she began to deliver her prepared speech, she dropped her three by five cards on the floor. Frustrated and a little embarrassed she leaned into the microphone and simply said, “I’m sorry I’m so jittery. I gave up beer for Lent and this whiskey is killing me! I’ll never get my speech back in order so let me just tell you what I know.”


As we laughed she cleared her throat and began, “We do not stop playing because we are old; we grow old because we stop playing.


There are only four secrets to staying young, being happy, and achieving success. You have to laugh and find humor every day.


You’ve got to have a dream. When you lose your dreams, you die.


We have so many people walking around who are dead and don’t even know it!There is a huge difference between growing older and growing up.


If you are nineteen years old and lie in bed for one full year and don’t do one productive thing, you will turn twenty years old.


If I am eighty-seven years old and stay in bed for a year and never do anything I will turn eighty-eight.


Anybody can grow older. That doesn’t take any talent or ability. The idea is to grow up by always finding opportunity in change.


Have no regrets.


The elderly usually don’t have regrets for what we did, but rather for things we did not do. The only people who fear death are those with regrets.”


She concluded her speech by courageously singing “The Rose.”


She challenged each of us to study the lyrics and live them out in our daily lives.


At the year’s end Rose finished the college degree she had begun all those years ago. One week after graduation Rose died peacefully in her sleep.


Over two thousand college students attended her funeral in tribute to the wonderful woman who taught by example that it’s never too late to be all you can possibly be.






































Kitchen Card Magic






Really? ~2 minutes 





























More Edgy Stuff...


































Easy Grilled Potatoes in Foil







    Yukon Gold Potatoes
Fresh Garlic
Fresh Herbs of your choice (thyme, oregano, basil, etc.)
Yellow Onions



Start with a foil “bowl” and fill it with baby Yukon golds. If you can’t find them, then just cut up some potatoes into bite sized pieces…there are really no rules here.

Toss in a handful of fresh garlic cloves, I like to smash them with a knife to release all that goodness locked inside. It seeps out into the olive oil that’s drizzled over top making everything all garlic-y and fabulous.

I rough cut some sweet onions and throw them in there too.

Then, toss in a few fresh herbs, salt and pepper….seal it all up and throw it on the grill.

You can easily customize this recipe with your favorite herbs, spices and more. Just add whatever you like and then dig in!







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Our mailing address is:
210 S. Milwaukee Ave. Wheeling, IL 60090 USA



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